2020 Welcome Announcement

Written By: William So

Hi! Welcome to the CCSS!

Maybe you’re a new student, fresh out of high school and ready to start a new chapter of your life in university. Maybe you’re a returning student, eager to get one year closer to graduating. Maybe you’ve done all of this before, and you’re coming back to school for a second degree. Whoever you are, the Carleton Computer Science Society welcomes you! We hope you will have a wonderful experience as you progress through your computer science degree, and we’re here to help make that happen!

Who are we?

“Established in 1980, the Carleton Computer Science Society (CCSS) is an academic society that … aims to create academic, social, and industry-related opportunities and resources for computer science students. Computer science students studying at Carleton University are automatically members of the society[.]” (Source: About page)

That’s right - you’re a member! That means you will be able to receive announcements and updates from us, participate in a variety of CCSS events and activities, and get involved to help us continue providing great CS opportunities and resources to all CS students at Carleton!

If you would like to read up on the rules of our society, here are links to our Constitution and our Code of Conduct. You may also find these governance documents on our Governance page.

This year, we have a passionate team who are all dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment and providing an awesome university experience to all computer science students. You can learn a little bit about us by visiting our Team page.

Our response to COVID-19:

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably been staggering. We want to take this time to extend our sincerest thoughts of compassion to those who have been affected, and we encourage everyone to remain vigilant and to act safely and responsibly as we all continue to find our way towards a new “normal”.

Please find Carleton University’s official response and updates to the current situation here.

In preparation for the upcoming online Fall semester, we are in the process of modifying our usual societal activities from the status quo to better suit an online environment. That includes exploring new event ideas, making improvements to our online presence, and using new platforms to reach students.

For instance, we are planning to develop an all-online version of WEEK OF AWESOME! (For the uninitiated, Week of Awesome is an annual week of events that we organize each September to welcome students into a new academic year.) We will also be frequently posting to our social media pages and regularly updating our website throughout the year. Be sure to follow us! (links found below)

And perhaps the biggest news of all…

We have an official Discord server!

Given the current requirement for everything to be online for the time being, we thought it was about time that we created a Discord server dedicated to giving you a space to interact with your peers in the absence of in-person classes! This will be your hub for all things CCSS: be informed of the latest Carleton CS news and announcements, meet and befriend your classmates, get advice from upper-year students, and participate in a variety of CCSS events and initiatives on our Discord server!

Join the server using this link!

Stay connected!

We use a variety of online platforms to keep society members informed about the latest news and events for Carleton CS students. Check us out below!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns about the CCSS or anything CS-related, you can always reach us by email via info@ccss.carleton.ca. We are here to support you and we’re happy to hear your input!

That’s all for now. This upcoming year will be a unique experience for us all, but we wish you every success!

Until next time,

The CCSS Team

William So

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