Come hangout with other CS students and enjoy our free high-speed wifi and ethernet!

The CCSS lounge, located at HP 4135, is opened 24/7 to all computer science students! The office is located inside and is typically opened from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (same hours as the School of Computer Science) Drop-in anytime to say hi and feel free to introduce yourself!


Most textbooks are expensive, so why not share them? The CCSS lounge has a library that anyone can browse through and borrow the books. We have a wide selection of books, including discrete structures, Java, calculus, and so much more! Please make sure you return the books once you are done reading it so that others have the opportunity to borrow the books as well. If you have a book that you would like to donate, please email us at with the subject line: "Textbook Donation".


We have free printing for all CS students at Carleton! Just email the printer with the PDF you want to print out at (for single-sided printing) or (for double sided printing), aand ask one of the volunteers in the office to print it for you. Please note that you are limited to 10 sheets (double-sided) at a time!


Want a little boost of energy or something warm to sip on while you are on campus? We have a Keurig machine in the CCSS office! Coffee and a variety of tea are free for all CS students. All you need to do is bring a mug! No mug? Don't worry. We also have a few paper cups available!


Board games? Video games? Card games? We have it all. Check out our selection here.


The CCSS lounge has a microwave right when you enter on the right and is always accessible. The microwave is provided courtesy of the society, shared by all CS students, so please keep it clean!


Yes, we have office supplies! Pencils, pens, markers, rulers, erasers, etc. You are more than welcome to borrow them as long as you bring them back within two business days.