
The CCSS strives to be a transparent and accessible organization for all Carleton University computer science students and community members interested in how we function and the work we do. This page contains links to all the important documents regarding our governance.

Our Constitution

The CCSS Constitution defines the basic rules that the Society must abide by to remain in control of its assets, dissolution and operation procedures for the Society. We are required to hold a general meeting to change this document. You can find it here

Our Rules of Operation

The rules of operation are rules that the board of directors can change during a meeting as long as the society members are notified. You can find them here

Code of Conduct

The CCSS aims to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment in our lounge space and at our events. Individuals participating in any CCSS event, activity or service are all expected to follow the outlined document here

Our Electoral Code

The CCSS Electoral Code outlines the timeline, structure, and rules of a Carleton Computer Science Society (“CCSS”) election. You can find it here

The Board of Directors

The CCSS board of directors is a group of both elected and appointed individuals in charge of managing the CCSS. For a list of the people on the board of directors and vacancies, look here.