October Announcements

Written By: William So

Announcements from the CCSS - October 2020

Hello everyone! We hope you've been making a successful transition into remote learning this semester. Oh, how time flies - it feels like we've only just started the term, and yet we're already approaching the spookiest time of the Fall: midterm season! Well, not to fear; CCSS is here, and we have some good stuff in store for you all! Here are some updates from us for the month of October.

Fall General Meeting

Every Fall and Winter term, the Carleton Computer Science Society organizes a general meeting open to all CCSS members. At the meeting, we discuss the goal of the society and its operations, vote on any proposed changes to the Constitution, and allow members to ask society-related questions directly to the Board of Directors. This semester, we will be holding our Fall General Meeting on Thursday, October 22 at 8:30 PM.

The meeting will take place virtually on Microsoft Teams. The link to attend will be sent in a separate email, along with the meeting agenda. All CCSS members (that’s you!) are encouraged to attend the general meeting to be well-informed about the activities of the society.

Social Events

Here is a list of social events we have planned this month!

  • Horror-Themed Game Night (Friday, October 16 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM EDT) - Join us and play/stream/watch some spooky scary video games to get into the Halloween season - Deceit, Dead by Daylight, or whatever you wish!
  • Fright Night Movie Night (Friday, October 23 at 12:00 PM EDT and 8:00 PM EDT) - Horror movies are always better with friends! Stay tuned - we'll be polling for your top movie picks on our social media!
  • Halloween Costume Contest (Sunday, October 25 to Saturday, October 31) - Send us a pic of you in your best Halloween attire, and go head-to-head with other costumers in a tournament bracket-style vote. Winner gets a prize!
  • Computer Science Horror Stories (Saturday, October 31 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT) - Hear harrowing tales of the worst bugs ever coded, nightmarish hackathon experiences, and dreaded stories of missed assignment deadlines - and share some similar stories of your own!

All of these events will be taking place online. Be sure to stay connected with us through our Facebook page, Instagram account, Slack workspace, and Discord server to stay up to date on all event details!

Academic Events

Dev Club Tech Talk: A Beginner's Guide to Linux

Confused by the whole "Linux thing"? Learn how to use Linux and why you should know it in the first place! This talk will cover a live installation, beginner usage, and how knowing Linux can benefit your degree and future career. This talk will be given by Adam Payzant as part of our Dev Club Tech Talk series, on Wednesday, October 14 at 6:00 PM EDT on the CCSS Discord server.

Discrete Structures I & II Cram Sessions

The CCSS will be facilitating a day of extra studying in preparation for the upcoming tests in COMP 1805 and COMP 2804. We will brush up on some core concepts, solve a series of preselected practice problems step-by-step, and then we will open the event up to a freeform work period, answering additional questions at the student’s request.

  • COMP 1805 session: Sunday, October 11 at 4 PM EDT
  • COMP 2804 session: Sunday, October 18 at 4 PM EDT

These sessions will take place on the CCSS Discord server.

William So

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