November Announcements

Written By: William So

Announcements from the CCSS - November 2020

Hello everyone! We hope you all had a good break and that you are rested, replenished, and ready for the remainder of the Fall term. Only two months left before the semester is over - better make the most of it! Here are some updates for the month of November.

Fall General Meeting (November 10)

The CCSS Fall General Meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 10 at 7:30 PM EST. At the meeting, we will discuss the goal of the society and its operations, vote on any proposed changes to the Constitution, and allow members to ask society-related questions directly to the Board of Directors.

All CCSS members (that's you!) are encouraged to attend the general meeting to be well-informed about the activities of the society. To sweeten the deal, all attendees will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win one of five tickets to CUSEC 2021!

The meeting will take place virtually on Microsoft Teams. Here is the link to attend.

Equity and Inclusion Workshop (November 12)

Are you interested in learning more about Carleton’s Human Rights and Sexual Violence Policy? Why is the students’ role important in creating a culture of inclusion within our community?

Please join the CCSS Board of Directors and Officers in attending an Equity and Inclusion Workshop hosted by the Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities (EIC)! The workshop will include scenarios for students to apply their knowledge and engage with the covered concepts to reflect, explore and seek opportunities to advance their awareness and knowledge on equity, diversity, and inclusion. You are welcome to join and leave as you’d like!

This event will take place on Thursday, November 12, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST, through Zoom. Here is the link to attend.

If you’d like to attend and need any accessibility accommodations, please contact us at so that we consider it!

Virtual Prof Social / Grad Celebration (November 13)

One of the most popular recurring CCSS events is Prof Night - where we have historically invited SCS faculty to socialize with students at Mike's Place Pub on campus. Since we can't meet in-person, this year's version of the student-prof social will be taking place on Zoom! Students and faculty members will have a chance to mingle with one another in a number of breakout rooms. We have also invited the recent Carleton CS graduating cohort to join us and commemorate their success!

This event will take place on Friday, November 13 at 12:00 PM EST, through Zoom. The link to attend will be shared in a separate email, so stay tuned!

Herzberg Lecture 2020: Improving Diversity in Computer Science at All Levels (November 18)

Participation by women and people of colour remains low in most computer science departments among undergraduates, graduate students and faculty.

Dr. Maria Klawe is the President of Harvey Mudd College, and she will be visiting Carleton University on Wednesday, November 18 at 7:00 PM EST to give a lecture on levelling gender enrollment in computer science programs. This talk will discuss successful strategies to address this issue. Details on how to register can be found here.

The CCSS, in partnership with WiCS and Technolgap, will also be hosting a special closed discussion on the same day from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM EST with Dr. Klawe for all students who are interested. Information on how to join this session will be shared in a separate email, so stay tuned!

Discord Social Events

Here is a list of social events we have planned for this month!

  • Game Night: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (Friday, November 13 at 7:00 PM EST) - This co-op bomb-defusal game was created by Ottawa-based developers. The night will be entirely free to attend, as only one person needs a copy of the game to play.
  • CS-Themed Jackbox Gaming (Friday, November 20 at 7:00 PM EST) - Grab your phones - Jackbox Night is back with a fully customized set of Carleton Computer Science-themed questions for Quiplash!
  • Anime Night (Thursday, November 26 at 7:00 PM EST) - The CCSS is hosting an anime night over Discord! Vote on the anime movie of your choice, and come and relax with all of your CCSS friends.
  • Game Night: League of Legends (Friday, November 27 at 7:00 PM EST) - CCSS Gaming Night continues with a League of Legends Night! League of Legends is free and easy to run on a majority of computers! We will be playing beginner-friendly custom games - no rank requirement or experience needed!

William So

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