You can participate virtually!
What is hackathon?
A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest or codefest) is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers, designers, project managers and others involved in software development come together to develop a solution or prototype to solve an issue. Other participants often included in a hackathon are subject matter experts that collaborate intensively on software projects.
During the GCTools Hackathon, the teams are free to work on any fix or functionalities they wish. A list of current issues: bugs, enhancements request and a wish list of new features can be found on the GitHub repository of each project.
- GCconnex
- GCcollab
- GCpedia
In addition, we identified the following challenges as areas we want to improve the GCTools:
- Accessibility
- Usability and User experience
- Collaboration with open source communities
- If your team has a different idea or a new feature concept, just add it to the GitHub issues!
Team Formation
Register to participate in the GCTools Hackathon. Don’t forget to join the group on GCconnex or GCcollab to start a discussion.
Participants are encouraged to form teams ahead of time. The GCTools team will also support team building by implementing and maintaining a team finder process.The GCTools Hackathon is open to everyone, including the federal, provincial/territorial public service as well as students and teachers from universities and colleges in Canada. Participants located in the National Capital Region can work together in the ISED Service Lab or work remotely from anywhere in Canada.
The GCTools Hackathon is not just for people who code; a diversity of skills, experience and ideas, contributing to a unified cause, will results in richer and more diverse outcomes.
The best way to submit your work is through GitHub. By the end of the second day, Teams should:
- Do a quick presentation to the judging panel
- Create Pull request(s) on GitHub with their changes
- Provide a URL to a description of their work
- You can use a README file in a GitHub repository, GitHub pages or your own hosting
- Be creative!