Fall 2020 CCSS X SCS Feedback and Suggestions Survey Report

Written By: Tiffany Lau

As elected student representatives of the Carleton Computer Science Society (CCSS), it is important that undergraduate computer science students under the School of Computer Science (SCS), studying at Carleton University, have their voices heard through channels that they can trust.

Due to COVID-19 in 2020, many students have expressed concerns regarding challenges in an online learning environment. Therefore, Tiffany Lau (the 2020-2021 Director of Community) and William So (the 2020-2021 President) have created an SCS Undergraduate Feedback & Suggestions Survey for computer science students to share their experiences and opinions regarding online courses this term with the School of Computer Science (SCS) administration, staff, and faculty members.

These data and testimonials were compiled into this report and was sent to the Director of the SCS. A copy of this report without the original testimonials are made available to the teaching staff and general computer science students under the SCS. The goal of this survey is to better support computer science students by investigating areas that worked for students during the Fall 2020 term, areas that the SCS can improve on, and suggesting actionable steps that can be taken by SCS staff and faculty members for future terms.

The password for this PDF will be sent out to all undergraduate CS students studying at Carleton University under the School of Computer Science.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email at info@ccss.carleton.ca.

View the attached survey here.

Tiffany Lau

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