Ericsson Innovation Awards Competition

Written By: Brittny Lapierre

The Ericsson Innovation Awards is a global competition that gives students the opportunity to collaborate with Ericsson mentors to drive the future of technology. Once again, we’re collaborating with Nobel on our theme, The Future of Truth. We’re challenging students to propose a viable solution about how technology can help us find, validate and share information. All finalists will receive prizes, including a trip to Stockholm, a cash prize, recruitment priority and global recognition for themselves and their country. In addition to all of this, the winning team will earn €25,000.

Teams of 2 to 4 students can register and submit their ideas through November 15, 2017. Teams will be responsible for initial registration, but those who move into the semi-finals will receive significant support from Ericsson experts as they continue to develop their ideas.

Register here!

Brittny Lapierre

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