December Announcements

Written By: William So

Announcements from the CCSS - December 2020

Hello everyone! The Fall semester is almost over, and with it come exams... and the holiday season! As we get closer to a well-deserved winter break, the CCSS is keeping things festive. Here are some updates for the month of December!

Upcoming Events

Advent of Code (ongoing, until December 25)

This December, celebrate the holidays with Advent of Code, an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles that can be solved in any programming language you like. This year, the CCSS will be hosting its own Advent of Code leaderboard and solutions repository!

To join other participating Carleton CS students, login to Advent of Code and join using our unique leaderboard code: 970906-fa1dc2ae

Interested in sharing your solution? We will also be hosting our own solutions repository on Github for any Carleton students to contribute to!

Dev Club Tech Talk: Building a Web App (December 2)

Don't miss our last tech talk of the Fall term!

Bundlers, Babel, polyfills, Node.js, NPM, Terser, TypeScript, JavaScript module formats, sourcemaps, and more... Learn about the different tools used in the modern web development ecosystem and how to string them all together in this presentation from Carleton CS alumnus Bailey D'Amour. This presentation should give you the knowledge of how to set up and structure your web projects for a smooth coding and debugging experience.

This talk will be given as part of our Dev Club Tech Talk series, on Wednesday, December 2 at 6:00 PM EST, on the CCSS Discord server.

CCSS Holiday Party (December 11)

The CCSS is bringing back our annual Holiday Party, hosted online for the first time ever! Join us on our Discord server next Friday for a jolly evening of festive activities. We will start off the evening with a virtual group dinner dress-up over video chat, so make sure you bring some food (and your Santa hats)! Later on, we will play a few rounds of holiday-themed trivia, and we will finish the night off with a Christmas movie (TBD by vote)!

This event will take place on Friday, December 11 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST, on the CCSS Discord server.

William So

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