VP WiCS Announcement

Written By: Elisa Kazan

Over the past few months, the Board of Directors of the CCSS has been discussing the possibility of creating a new position to collaborate with the WiCS (Women in Computer Science) group on campus. We are pleased to announce that we will be welcoming a new position to the CCSS, VP WiCS!

The CCSS hopes to place a bigger importance on diversity efforts in the following years to come. VP WiCS will be a dedicated a position on the Board of Directors that will lead these diversity efforts, ensuring the events and atmosphere of the computer science society is welcoming and inclusive. Many students have expressed interest in this initiative while we conducted surveys during Summer 2018. We hope that this change will connect CCSS and WiCS more closely so that the community is less divided. By making it a crucial part of the CCSS elections, we hope to stabilize the governance structure within WiCS to ensure the longevity of the group.

Since we have made this decision during an active term, we will make the position Officer of WiCS for 2018-2019 and enforce the position VP WiCS in 2019-2020. This means that in September 2018, an online application will be made available for Officer of WiCS and interviews will be conducted with potential candidates. In Winter 2019, VP WiCS will be a new position in the CCSS election and will continue to be elected as the 6th position on the CCSS Board of Directors.

For more information on the specifics to this change, please read the official document New Position on the Board of Directors: VP WiCS.

If you have any questions about this change, please email Elisa at president@ccss.carleton.ca as we will be happy to answer your questions.

The team is really excited about this change and we think it will have a positive impact in the CCSS for many years to come!

Elisa Kazan

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