The Carleton Computer Science Society (CCSS) is an academic society that represents undergraduate computer science students at Carleton University. The CCSS aims to create academic, social, and industry-related opportunities and resources for computer science students.

  • Hi There!

    I am a fourth-year student majoring in Computer Science: Algorithms and minoring in Mathematics. I write code, music, and insane plot twists. Focused on growing the society to meet student needs. Reach out anytime!

    William So
  • Hi There!

    I'm a third year computer science student in the game dev stream. I love to chat with people, even though I have headphones on a lot. If you have any questions, let me know!

    Jerry Liu
  • Hi There!

    Hey! I am a second year student deeply interested in all things computers. You can find me most of the time in the lounge, or at our events! Feel free to introduce yourself! I use arch btw.

    Malcolm Smith
    Director of Social
  • Hi There!

    I’m in my final year of Comp Sci honours, pursuing minors in math and linguistics. I love Python, Discrete Math, NLP, and everything Japanese. If you wanna talk courses, research, anime, or anything in between, hmu!

    Alexa De Grandmont
    Director of
  • Hi There!

    I am a 3rd-year student in the software engineering stream! I love meeting people and making a positive social impact! If you ever want to get involved with CCSS activities, please feel free to reach out to me!

    Tiffany Lau
    Director of
  • Hi There!

    I’m a 3rd year student with an interest in web development, system design, and cloud infrastructure. I love working on side projects and If you have any questions, I would love to talk!

    Matthew M-B
    Director of
  • Hi There!

    Hello all! I’m a 4th-year student studying history and comp sci! I'm interested in data analysis and UI/UX Design, and beyond CS, I'm a passionate maker with a particular penchant for DIY keyboards and knitting-- you can usually find me in the CCSS Lounge with a project in hand!

    Chantal Brousseau
  • Hi There!

    I’m Sarah! I’m a third year CS student specializing in business and management. I love punk rock, my beautiful cat and making people laugh. When I get the chance, I love painting and devouring the YA fiction section of my local library. I’m really excited to be a part of the CCSS this year!

    Sarah Ali